Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A director’s “unifying vision.”- I vision the play place in the woods of cogo, Africa far in the woods the reason I pick that spot because the play is place of war in Africa where today there is still a civil war going on. I think this place would give the audience a idea what’s going on in Africa and have a little connect with the environment for example like how god spell setting was ground zero when I seen it at the Daytona beach new journal I felt a little connect because I seen when the towers went down that day.

The theatrical space- first the audience I would have for the play would adults only because I think the play is too mature for kids because the play contain whores, sex, alcohol and adult language so adults would bring their kids to watch the play but I would play the production in broad because in new York the African culture is higher in that city than anywhere else because new York city has a large population Haitians which are related to Africans. Also broad way is a great place because the seating have u look forward at the play and how it’s set up its great to have the play.

The theatrical space- first the audience I would have for the play would adults only because I think the play is too mature for kids because the play contain whores, sex, alcohol and adult language so adults would bring their kids to watch the play but I would play the production in broad because in new York the African culture is higher in that city than anywhere else because new York city has a large population Haitians which are related to Africans. Also broad way is a great place because the seating have u look forward at the play and how it’s set up its great to have the play.

The scenic design-the scenic design I would have of the play is the background a forest in the back ground because the bar is near the mines and there little villages in the area so it would have fake palm trees and have fake flowers and the background I would have a blue sky and have fake birds on the trees to give it a realistic look to make the audience feel that they are in Africa and mamas whore house/ bar but the play will show inside of the house and the house would have bar chairs at the bar and have the television connect to the wall behind the bar table and the hole place would have tables and chairs that very nice and it will have wooden floors and a Curtin to the back room were the women have sex with the men. Then I put a stripper pool next to the jut box. Then I would place pictures of naked women all over the bar so show the audience that it’s a whore house and behind the bar table would be a wall of old liquors place in order to color.

Costume design- the costumes I chosen for cast is by their character. Mama would wear a nice black dress because shows that she is the head of the house and shows that she have a little dark side in her that she don’t take any lip from anyone and show she is a strong women. Christian would wear a used gray suit because he is business man and I think gray is a nice color for a business man that preaches. mr.harari would wear a navy blue suit because he is from the city and he is working man that sin and I feel if you’re going sin it shouldn’t be in a white suit. Josephine would wear a red dress because she is whore that is fast and people think red on a sports car makes it faster than any color. Sophie would were a used navy blue because I think her personality fits that color because she don’t want to be notice but her good looks make her notice able so I think navy blue is not notice from far but it’s a very nice color. salima would wear a old brown dress because she feel that she is worthless and cant show herself to her family and brown is a color disgrace. The rebel soldiers would wear really old military clothing and the regular military would wear their own current military clothing. Osembenga would wear a clean military outfit because he is a commander of the army. Kisembe would wear different color old military outfit because to make him different from the other rebels and make it clear that he is the leader of the rebel troops

Lighting design- I would use led lights because I feel that I would use good lights for the play also I use the lights according to the scenes in the play for example in the rain scene I have the light in the back ground darken the picture in the background of the blue sky and bright up the blue sky to show its sunny outside.

Sound design- the sounds would go by scene I would have gun shots in the back ground of the play and then have sound of rain in the back ground and have a sound of a car pull to the house to indicate that some arrived at the house

The scenic design-the scenic design I would have of the play is the background a forest in the back ground because the bar is near the mines and there little villages in the area so it would have fake palm trees and have fake flowers and the background I would have a blue sky and have fake birds on the trees to give it a realistic look to make the audience feel that they are in Africa and mamas whore house/ bar but the play will show inside of the house and the house would have bar chairs at the bar and have the television connect to the wall behind the bar table and the hole place would have tables and chairs that very nice and it will have wooden floors and a Curtin to the back room were the women have sex with the men. Then I put a stripper pool next to the jut box. Then I would place pictures of naked women all over the bar so show the audience that it’s a whore house and behind the bar table would be a wall of old liquors place in order to color.

Costume design- the costumes I chosen for cast is by their character. Mama would wear a nice black dress because shows that she is the head of the house and shows that she have a little dark side in her that she don’t take any lip from anyone and show she is a strong women. Christian would wear a used gray suit because he is business man and I think gray is a nice color for a business man that preaches. mr.harari would wear a navy blue suit because he is from the city and he is working man that sin and I feel if you’re going sin it shouldn’t be in a white suit. Josephine would wear a red dress because she is whore that is fast and people think red on a sports car makes it faster than any color. Sophie would were a used navy blue because I think her personality fits that color because she don’t want to be notice but her good looks make her notice able so I think navy blue is not notice from far but it’s a very nice color. salima would wear a old brown dress because she feel that she is worthless and cant show herself to her family and brown is a color disgrace. The rebel soldiers would wear really old military clothing and the regular military would wear their own current military clothing. Osembenga would wear a clean military outfit because he is a commander of the army. Kisembe would wear different color old military outfit because to make him different from the other rebels and make it clear that he is the leader of the rebel troops

Lighting design- I would use led lights because I feel that I would use good lights for the play also I use the lights according to the scenes in the play for example in the rain scene I have the light in the back ground darken the picture in the background of the blue sky and bright up the blue sky to show its sunny outside.

Sound design- the sounds would go by scene I would have gun shots in the back ground of the play and then have sound of rain in the back ground and have a sound of a car pull to the house to indicate that some arrived at the house

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